Friday, 17 April 2020

During Lockdown I have been enjoying coding with my brother's Sphero and Star Wars hour of code

Here are the links to my game and the Star Wars hour of code.

Here is a video of me playing with my brother's Sphero. I made a maze with bowling pins in and I knocked them down using the Sphero.


  1. I liked the video off your bowling maybe you could find different ways to control it what is it from Cole

  2. Hi Caleb, wow, that was a fscinating activity. I have never heard of, nor seen Sphero. What other activities can you do with it? Or is it a maize navigating activity? I am very curious about it! Mr Riceman did some coding with us teachers, so we could learn the process of coding using electronic equipment. I was somewhat nervous, I have to admit. I soon found out that I had no need to feel that way! With Mr Riceman's clear step by step instructions, it wasn't too difficult and was loads of fun. Learning and enjoyment made it fabulous for us all. We didn't want to stop for afternoon activites as we were all so focused and engaged.
    Stay safe and well in your bubble... and look afrer mum :-) We will see you when we all return to school.

  3. Wow Caleb, that looks fun! Where did you get the sphero from? Was it tricky to make it move? This bowling pins remind me of people so it looked like a giant sphero was knocking people over. Maybe next time you could make the course more challenging.

  4. This is fabulous Caleb, you have given a clear verbal explanation and you have supported it by your written explanation also. This looks like so much fun, it reminds me of when we got the Sphero's at school, we had to have some time as a staff learning how to make them move. We had to work in teams to complete a challenge...I think we would have been better if you had been on our team! How awesome that you have one to code with at home. What are your favourite things, and what is the most frustrating or challenging thing about using Spheros? Thanks for sharing. :-)

  5. Wow Caleb you have been busy! Looks like a fun way to spend lockdown. I have never seen Sphero before, but now I know where to come if I ever need help with it.

  6. wow caleb that was so cool.I wonder if i have all of those thing. so i can make what you made too. Well im wondering if you can make something different. well great job what you mad caleb.


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