Friday, 17 April 2020

In Term 1 we had to make a SMRF it poster. S M R F  stands for... stop, make a copy, re-name and file.  We do this with our digital work.

I like the colours because they are amazing.


  1. Hi Caleb I'm Angel from May road School and this is a cool post for everyone to learn about writing and for telling people how to do it nicely great job keep going and don't give up! you had a great,clear,fun writing and keep safe.

  2. Hi Caleb your blog post is very nice and in my school I do the same thing and we also call it the smurf.

  3. Hey Caleb my name is Jesse and I go to may road school amazing work at smurfing we do the same stop make a copy re-name fule keep it up

  4. hi caleb i really like the smurfs and my nana even likes them my teacher all ways says to smurf it

  5. Hi Caleb my name is Sirrena I am a student from May Road School and I really like the way you told me how to what smurf means and now I will know how to smurf my work when my teacher says we need to smurf our work.


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