Guten tag, for maths we learnt how to find perimeter and area. Perimeter and area are a type of measurement here is a example for area and perimeter.
Friday, 25 June 2021
how to find perimeter and area
STEM week Waikowhai student led Toolkits
Hello everyone, on STEM week a.k.a science, technology, engineering and math week. The senior and middle block had student led toolkits. The kids who went to the first student led toolkit did a toolkit that they went to and the kids who presented on the first toolkit did the same toolkit. Me and Cole had done spheros last time so we did it again and we got to do it two times! There was 24 presenters and 12 toolkits. here are the toolkits: Drones, Google Form, Word Art, Music Lab, Webcam Toy, Makey Makey, Google Maps, incredibox, Book Creator, Brain Box, Piskel, Slide Animation and Sphero. Here is what I did.
The start went well but some people were putting a hand up in the air and I had to keep saying we will do questions at the end. Half way into the toolkit a different group the drones who were in the other half of the hall came in because the Drones ran out of power so the Spheros were full of people. Here is the slide that we used take a look.
The next toolkit I went to was Piskel I was a bit late so I had to catch up. I made a dragon not my best piece of art but it's good. I had no idea what to do but the dragon flying slipped into my mind so I got on it fast. Here it is take a look.
Finally the last toolkit most of it was the same the Drones came to Spheros but this time we had the ramp out for everyone to use. I really really enjoyed the day and I hope to do this every year. Goodbye see you next time.
Friday, 28 May 2021
Student Led Toolkits 2021
This years Toolkits me and my friend Cole got pick to present in it, we did Sphero for our Toolkit for a bonus we got to present two times! The first time I though it would be hard but it kind of easy. The best thing was that we saw a lot of kids in our toolkit! there was no internet so we used a teachers laptop. when it was sandpit time there was a small problem one of the ipads that we had was downloading Sphero? One of them was out of power and there was one group left so I let them use my chromebook. here is the slide that we used take a look
Here is how you use Sphero: find Sphero edu, sign up by clicking sign up with google, click your email address, get your parents email, then click the drive button. Here is a small look at what it may look like.
Tuesday, 18 May 2021
Amazing Wellbeing
Amazing Wellbeing
This week on Monday the year sixes went to Spark Arena so year fives had the morning with Miss McGrath. We did Wellbeing for the session because it was pink shirt week a.k.a anti-bullying week. We had a giant talk about the survey about our live in and out of school last term.
After the talk we did a game called the musical gratitude game. You would walk around and when the music stops you talk to someone about what you are grateful for.
Next we made a fortune teller which would compliment someone or help you feel better. Here is a video of how to make one.
Finally we did a compliment circle you would stand in a circle and a teacher would start by giving a compliment to a student. The student would compliment to a second student and it went on like that. I said to pagie "thank you for helping me when I was stuck on the fortune teller". The day was amazing it was super fun and I hope I can do it again. This is the end of my blog "thank you for reading my blog, see you later."Friday, 14 May 2021
My Fitness Plan
In week one we made a fitness plan for our inqury. It was not that hard to make one but my fitness plan was hard here is a quick look at my fitness plan and by the way our goal for inqury is fitness.
I really wanted to push myself but the first one I didn't finish. The next one I got a crap and the last one I finished! We also have a Warriors traning diary, the two categorys we are working on, are good mates which is about team work and the second one was shut eyes, eyes wide. This is about sleep. We write in it every day. Goodbye for now.
Friday, 16 April 2021
A day in the Trenches
Friday, 9 April 2021
fish in a tree
"Now that thing is completely lmpossible!"
Hello, for my classes teacher book we read the book, Fish in a Tree. The main character is called Ally, she can not read easily she also has a fixed mindset but progressing through the book she gets a better mindset. The book is really good it would be a great idea to buy it.
Today I'm going to talk about her sketchbook of lmpossible things, she comes up with crazy ideas and draws them in her sketchbook. Each of the kids in my class created one for them self take a look.
This is the end of my blog post hope you enjoyed, goodbye.
Monday, 8 March 2021
lockdown 4
Another lockdown again?! Lockdown is horrible?!?! For week 5 instead of going back to school we went in to lockdown 4! I can't believe that we had to go into lockdown again and the next day was the weekend which means nothing to do. The next day I found out that I was in a bubble with my neighbours which was a big relief because that meant I could play with them. The first thing we played was spikeball. Then we went to a small hill which we go hiking on which is next to my neighbour's house. Then on Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday I finished all of my schoolwork. Friday and Thursday I ran out off time. for Thursday we had to do a movie review but the movie was really long. Friday, I finished three pieces of work, had a quick nap and played with my friends. I could only finish art of my last task. For the syndicate meet we did a fancy and freaky Friday and I dressed up fancy take a look :

I was wearing a bow tie, a fancy t-shirt and a white t-shirt.
Hopefully you liked the blog and if you have time you could leave a comment?
Haere ra!